"I am sorry shipping has taken so long but a ... " (more)fter I sent them out not 2 days later they came back to me so I repackaged and reshipped. I am sorry for any inconvienience.~Acid"
Mar 14th 2011, 9:25:25 AM PDT (about 14 years ago)
"I am sorry shipping has taken so long but a ... " (more)fter I sent them out not 2 days later they came back to me so I repackaged and reshipped. I am sorry for any inconvienience.~Acid"
Mar 14th 2011, 9:25:22 AM PDT (about 14 years ago)
"Sorry the shipping is taking so long I sent ... " (more) them out and not 2 days later they came back so I repackaged and shipped back out I am sorry for the inconvenience and hope you are happy with your item.~Acid"
Mar 14th 2011, 9:23:08 AM PDT (about 14 years ago)
"I am sorry shipping has taken so long but a ... " (more)fter I sent them out not 2 days later they came back to me so I repackaged and reshipped. I am sorry for any inconvienience.~Acid"
Mar 14th 2011, 9:25:03 AM PDT (about 14 years ago)