"Item had been opened . It was said to be in ori ... " (more)ginal condition it was not. Item was shipped with loose DVD when all you had to do was open it an lock the DVD in. I felt that was really unkind."
Dec 16th 2014, 1:45:38 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
"Thanks a bunch got it in time for her birthday ... " (more)- it was brand new as stated - only problem w/it was opened we found that the dresses were not of the highest quality and the Elsa dress on the top sleeve was torn/with a 1" whole. I noticed it - but my 4yr b-day girl hasn't noticed it yet.. :)"
"I am glad you got it. I am sorry about the ... " (more)problems. It was never opened as you could see so I couldn't help that because you didn't want it opened. Enjoy"