"Did not read auction details and wh ... " (more)en I asked him to pay $3.50 to my PayPal Account he refused and so that is why I don't recommend this buyer/seller to ANYONE. STAY AWAY!"
Oct 28th 2014, 12:03:45 AM GMT (over 10 years ago)
"This person need to stop listing free shipping ... " (more) with info that says free shipping if auction go over specific amount of credit to not pay shipping fees (Paypal) that's why..just watch out please..."
"Same thing as the last feedback I g ... " (more)ave him: Did not read my auction details and so when I asked him to pay $3.50 to my PayPal, he refused. Don't sell or buy from this person. Stay Away everyone!"
Oct 28th 2014, 12:05:52 AM GMT (over 10 years ago)