"Won the auction on 11/17, still hadn't ... " (more) heard from seller by 11/21, so I started a dispute. Seller replied next day, so I cancelled dispute and sent the $9,95 for shipping. Then, not a word for 11 days, so I started another dispute. Heard from seller the next day and they claimed to have sent the item but never gave any date or tracking information to back up their claim. Ten days later, still no item and my credits were refunded from the second dispute. TWENTY-FOUR days to ship, or claim to have shipped an item, is ridiculous. I don't expect to see the item, ever. I am glad that I paid for shipping through PayPal, I have a dispute for this seller going on with them, as well, to get my shipping money back. I send this seller a total of 6 messages and never got replies, EXCEPT for their responses to the disputes. Avoid this seller."