"Very dissappointed with this seller. ... " (more)Item was never sent and seller failed to respond to my attempts to contact them until I disputed the transaction. I went through and looked at other feedback of theirs from other items they have needed and it appears that they have made a habit out of this. It's people like this that ruins listia for everybody else. I do not recommend to anyone to have any transactions from this seller. "
Dec 29th 2011, 3:25:27 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
"Did NOT send this item out because seller ac ... " (more)ted like a *****. Seller had repeatedly asked, after I have told her numerous of times I was going to send it out. "
"This seller lied the whole time I thought ... " (more)my product was on its way to my house she said she sent it and never did good luck when you are doing business with her! "
"Greedy, uncaring, and would not let me expla ... " (more)in why she got it. I have a baby, older kids, and a Holiday right around the corner! EXCUSE ME FOR NOT SENDING IT OUT ON YOUR TIME. "
"I've sent this item out. But, I don' ... " (more)t appreciate your constant questions about when I sent it. Sorry, it's around the Holidays. I have alot to do. :'("