"I am very sorry about the codes not worki ... " (more)ng and not responding sooner... as I have been working and taking care of my newborn daughter and have not been on here very much ! hope you understand !"
Jan 28th 2016, 11:46:48 AM PST (about 9 years ago)
"You say you were busy but responded minute ... " (more)s after i put in a dispute. the code stated invalid, doesn't mean it was used but it could have been, either way the code didn't work and you stopped responding. "
Jan 28th 2016, 11:47:19 AM PST (about 9 years ago)
"I'm so sorry for not responding ive b ... " (more)een so busy with my newborn daughter and work ! I'm very sorry the codes did not work .. I'm not sure why they didn't work they were never used !"
Jan 28th 2016, 11:39:58 AM PST (about 9 years ago)