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Member since Jan 14, 2013
Last login Mar 1, 2025
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Current listings: 1
Total listings: 5,116
Total listings completed: 5,049
Total listings w/ winner: 1,422
Feedback received: 3,539
Positive feedback: 3,506
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Hungary: 1977, World Championship Imri Abobyl 4-Hand Driving, Sc # HU-2064 - HUN-4503b (view item)
Dominican Republic: 1949, Church of Sa Francisco Ruins, Scott # DO-C71 - DOM-3800b (view item)
United States: 1970, American Bison, Wildlife Conservation Issue, Scott # US-1392 - US-5308a (view item)
New Zealand: 1999, Burslem, Royal Daulton Ceramics Exhibition, Michel # NZ-1271 - NZE-2900a (view item)
Poland: 1963, Arabian Stallion "Comet", Scott # PL-1188 - POL-4501b (view item)
Italy: 1980, Castle Montagnana, Scott # IT-1431 - ITA-4300a (view item)
Ireland: 1985, Oratorium (6th Century), Scott # IE-634 - IRE-3700a (view item)
Germany: 1922, Reaper, Scott # 222 - GER-4810g (view item)
Barbados: 1970, Barbados Museum, Barbados, Scenes Series, Scott # BB-336 - BBO-2600c (view item)
Germany: 1963, Northern Hedgehog, Protected Animals, Scott # DD-67 - GER-2600c (view item)