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Member since Jan 14, 2013
Last login Mar 1, 2025
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Current listings: 1
Total listings: 5,116
Total listings completed: 5,049
Total listings w/ winner: 1,422
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India: 1957, Girl Learning, Children's Day, Scott # IN-293 - IND-2601c (view item)
Austria: 1957, Heidenreichstein Castle, Scott # AT-630 - AST-4500c (view item)
India: 2010, Craft Museum Mini-Sheet, NEW, NEVER Hinged, Michel # IN-BL-96 - IND-610 (view item)
Australia: 1960, Spotted Quoll, Zoological Series, Scott # AU-321 - AUS-4101a (view item)
India: 2009, Greeting Mini-Sheet, Mint, Never Hinged, NEW - IND-611 (view item)
Czech Republic: 1995, Romanesque Style, Historical Architectural Style, Scott # CS-2978 - CZR-2600c (view item)
United States: 19331, Statue of Liberty, Scott # US-696 - US-5325a (view item)
Poland: 1972, "The Haunted Manor", (Opera), Scott # PL-1902 - POL-4807a (view item)
Australia: 1961, Opened Prayerbook with Christmas Scenes, 15th Cent, Scott # AU-342 - AUS-5101a3 (view item)
Austria: 1967/1960, (2) Stamps, Buildings-Monasteries Scott #'s AT-695 & AT-630b - AST-4100/03a (view item)