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Member since Mar 26, 2013
Last login May 15, 2013
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 4
Total listings completed: 4
Total listings w/ winner: 4
Feedback received: 16
Positive feedback: 13
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 93%
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MTG, Rare, Elvish Archdruid, Other Elfs +1/+1, Tap To Add G For Each Elf, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Rare Planar Cleansing, Destroy All Permanents, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Rare, RTR, Death's Presence, X +1/+1 Counters, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Rare GateCrash, Assemble The Legion, Soldier Tokens, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Magic The Gathering, Rare, Worldslayer,Mirridon Edition (view item)
MTG, Rare, Fresh Meat, Makes 3/3 Beast Tokens, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)