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Member since Apr 5, 2014
Last login Dec 9, 2016
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Feedback received: 16
Positive feedback: 16
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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San Francisco 49ers 5 time super bowl champions pin. (view item)
INTUITION loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
HALO loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
EVER AFTER loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
BROWN SUGAR loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
AIRY loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
Mary Kay Timewise repair volu-firm sampler set. (view item)
positive feedback for
on Jun 17th, 2014 at 7:04 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
EMINENCE loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)
FOG loose powder mineral multiuse color makeup bare earth pigment minerals (view item)