left positive feedback for
march18joking on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:27 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
❤ ★ ☆❤ 1 New Resin Cross English Bible Prayer Stainless Steel Men/Women Ring ★ ☆ (view item)
"Bid & failed to read I only accept Paypal~Promised to send a Money Order....NEVER sent but clai ... " (more)med she did..SIGH! I suggested she track her MO and put a stop payment on it...but we all know you can't track what you NEVER sent!"
left neutral feedback for
march18joking on Dec 8th, 2014 at 5:56 PM PST (over 10 years ago)
Jack Russell Terrier~Special Delivery~Light Switchplate Cover~Free Shipping w/GIN(view item)
"Bid & failed to read I only accept Paypal~Promised to send a Money Order....NEVER sent but clai ... " (more)med she did..SIGH! I suggested she track her MO and put a stop payment on it...but we all know you can't track what you NEVER sent!"