"You know what, I will return your credits as soon as I get my Earrings back & I am going to sen ... " (more)d you SASE to do it, I DO NOT APPRECIATE NEUTRAL FEEDBACK BEFORE You even contact me, You are Trouble!!!! NOT A TRUE LISTIAN!!!!! There is a thing called RESPECT to Fellow Listians & you have none!!!!! It is ALL about Communication which you DID NOT DO !!!!! SHAME on YOU!!!!!!!! These are Gorgeous Earrings & I DO NOT want them wasted on the Likes of YOU!!!!!! They are FAR FROM CHEAPLY MADE!!!!!!! They came from an Estate lot of Vintage Jewelry!!! Yes I am going Off because I can't stand when someone DOES NOT COMMUNICATE!!!! THAT IS LISTIA G-U-I-D-E-L-I-N-E-S!!!!!!"